Do you ever feel like the seasons come and go so quickly, think about it, it was just summer and now its fall. Seasons are like life, in life we will go through good times and we will have bad times but we have to remember that God never changes even when it seems like the world is going crazy around us and even when we have wars waging in our heart we have to remember that God is always there and He will always be there. I love the fall time because its cool and i love going to corn mazes its so nice getting outside in Gods creation. I look around at the trees and leafs and the mountains and i ask myself how could people say there is no God.

God will always be there for us if we let Him. He wants to walk with us through every season that comes our way. Dont let your circumstances or your job make you feel like your not worth it. God said you were worth it when He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. Lets remember He is with us in every season of life, wherever you may find yourself He is there with you.

About calebdillingham

I am Caleb, and I am an avid Reader I hope to one day write books for a living, I hope to become a childrens minister after im done with college, and thats a little about me. Read ON..

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