There is a great CCM song by the same name as this blog by Sean Curran, this song talks about how God is so much bigger than we with our small minds can comprehend he understands us, He loves us. I can oftentimes forget that I get so wrapped up in myself that I don’t see God I basically put Him in a box. God was never meant to be put in a box He created me and you. So we should trust Him with our lives everyday. He is so much bigger than what I think, I look around and see the mountains, ocean, stars, moon, sun and say there is a creator. He created me and He did something i couldnt do but that i deserve He went to Calvarys cross and got nails in His hands and feets, and bore the penalty for my sins that i deserve. He then was buried and rose again defeating death, hell, and the grave, I believe He will return again one day soon to make all things right, in the meantime we as christians are called to go out and share the good news with those we encounter everyday.

 So lets remember God is so much bigger than what we think or feel. He has us in his hands even when the world seems to be crashing down around us He is with us every step of the way. Lets not limit what God can do with any of us.

About calebdillingham

I am Caleb, and I am an avid Reader I hope to one day write books for a living, I hope to become a childrens minister after im done with college, and thats a little about me. Read ON..

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