We have been called on a mission by God, He wants us to reach the least and the lost among us, no one is to far gone from Jesus. How do we reach people? you might ask, we reach them as we go through each day being there for them in word and in deed, will we see results right away, by no means we just plant the seed and God waters it when He sees fit. We are each called to where we work, live, and play. God has placed us where we are for a purpose, and in peoples lives for a reason, will we always know what the purpose and the reason is by no means. God never tells us to give up though in those places and with those people.

We need to slow down and learn to walk with people through lifes pain and heartache, I find God gives me joy when i am walking with people through life, we were never meant to bear burdens alone, its fun doing life with people. Is life always going to be easy no! I have seen a lot of change this year moving out on my own, my dad getting married the holidays looking different, but as my best friend told me the other day when she was doing my dishes, take it a day at a time and you will make it through, she also lovingly told me to pull myself together which were words i needed to hear. Because lately with all thats changing i feel like i am getting left behind in the dust if i am being honest with myself, and it was making me feel sad. I am reminded that God is near so He knows how i feel. Jesus went through emotions like i do so he knows how i feel. He knows how you feel and he wants us to take life one day at a time trusting the journey he has us on. will it always be an easy ride?

No it wont always be easy there will be ups and downs and days of doubt, but God is right beside each of us and He gives us friends to do life with.

About calebdillingham

I am Caleb, and I am an avid Reader I hope to one day write books for a living, I hope to become a childrens minister after im done with college, and thats a little about me. Read ON..

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